Monday, August 22, 2016

he abuses them like a spoiled child wreaking havoc on the sleepy English village

Ren is the classic anti-hero, the character that repels and attracts at the same time. The proverbial "bad boy," he has been breaking both rules and his mother's middling heart for his entire life. Isolated with gifts he does not quite know how to use, he abuses them like a spoiled child wreaking havoc on the sleepy English village where he lives. I have not read all of Nofffke's books, but I understand that Ren is a mysterious alfa character- one that demanded his story be told, and that she did. The author delves into the childhood of the Dream Walker, explaining the different stages of his growth from callow and disenfranchised bully to a loving partner to Delila and asset to his creed. Sarah captures the angst and turmoil of those who don't fit in, complicating his life with an abusive sister, and repeated losses. She nurtures her creation, finally rewarding him with the fulfilling love he deserves.

Happy Reading!
Carole P. Roman

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