Thursday, August 30, 2018

Introduce your children to Mexico, old and new!

Introduce your children to Mexico, old and new!

If You Were Me and Lived in... Mexico: 
A Child's Introduction to Cultures Around the World
by Carole P. Roman

If you were me and lived in Mexico (Mex-ee-co), your home would be somewhere here, in the southern part of North America.

You might live near the capital city. It is called Mexico City and is very old. There are many historical buildings like the Palacio de Bellas Artes (Pal-la-cio day Bey-yas Ar-tes), which is the Palace of Fine Arts.

Your name could br Alejandro (A-le-han-dro), Santiago (San-ti-a-go), or Nicolás (Ni-co-las) if you are a boy and Camila (Ca-mil-la), Isabella (Is-a-bel-a), or Sophía (So-fee-a) if you are a girl.

When you talk to your mommy, you would call her Momá (Ma-ma), and when you speak with your daddy, you would call him Papá (Pa-pa).

For more from "If You Were Me and Lived in... Mexico", visit 

If You Were Me and Lived in... the Mayan Empire: 
An Introduction to Civilizations Throughout Time
by Carole P. Roman

The Mayan civilization has been traced back to 1800 BC and spread from what is now Mexico (Mex-ee-co), Guatemala (Gwa-ta-ma-la), Belize (Bel-lez), Honduras (Hon-dor-as), and El Salvador (El Sal-vuh-dor). Many of their descendants still live there today and speak the Mayan languages.

This is what a Mayan town might have looked like centuries ago. 

If you were me and lived during the Mayan (My-an) civilization, you would be born around 1500 years ago in the year 572 and would have made your home in one of the many Mayan cities.

The Mayans were the only ancient America society with a written account of their history. They recorded their accomplishments on stone billboards called stelas (ste-las), pottery, papers, skins, and anywhere they could report their culture.

The Mayans were indigenous (in-dij-uh-nuhs) people who lived up and down the Yucatan Peninsula. 

The whole area was dotted with wealthy city-states that were great areas of activity. The many cities were not unified under one leader. Each town had a king that ruled the land from his palace, located in the center of the metropolis (me-trop-o-lis).

Cities grew rich from the products that made their way up and down the land. Each city had a temple for worship that attracted people to settle, creating centers of exchange and learning.

For more from "If You Were Me and Lived in... the Mayan Empire", visit

Monday, August 27, 2018

Indie Authors Roundtable: Edward Willet chats with us

Edward Willet chats with us

Edward Willett is an award-winning author of science fiction, fantasy and non-fiction for both children and adults. Willett is the author or co-author of more than 60 books, ranging from computer books and children's non-fiction books to science fiction and fantasy for both adults and young adults, and host of the new podcast The Worldshapers. He’s won numerous awards and besides being a writer, Willett is a professional actor and singer who has performed in dozens of plays, musicals and operas.
Find Edward below:

Listen to our author interview by clicking on the link below!

Friday, August 17, 2018

Jenna Greene chats with us

Jenna Greene chats with us

Jenna Grenne joins the round table discussion to talk about her books and the differences in publishing between the US and Canada.
