Monday, January 30, 2017

Meet The Blogger: My Interview With The Paperback Princess

1- How did you start blogging?
Well..I LOVE to read and since I'm on good reads, I thought it would be nice to start a blog and share my reviews with others alike.

2- Has the direction changed since you started?
Yes. I added other interests like tv shows & movies I watch, foods I like to eat with recipes and food allergy info to help raise awareness.

3- What do you enjoy most about it?
Meeting other bloggers and writers. It's such a welcoming and supportive community.

4- How do you get material, ideas?
Honestly, it's whatever pops in my head.

5- What is the most unpleasant thing that happened with blogging?
Running into another blog with the same name.  

6- What would you tell a person who is starting out about blogging?
Figure out what you want to write/blog about and stick to those few topics.  Pick a name that reflects what you're blogging about.  

7- How has it impacted your everyday life?
At first it took up a lot of my time away from my kids.  But I was able to figure out a schedule and keep my posts to only once or twice a week, after they go to bed.

8- What blogs do you read?
Other book blogs, food, entertainment and travel.

9- What is your favorite book and why?
The Paper Bag Princess by Robert Munsch. It has such a great message for little girls. It teaches young girls to be brave, strong and independent. It also teaches you not to be shallow and what type of guys to dump. Lol.

10- Where do you see your blog in five years?

I would eventually like to become a book reviewer for a publisher and maybe even monetize my blog.

Find The Paperback Princess HERE!


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