Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The Crew Goes Coconuts!

There is a storm brewing on the Flying Dragon, and it's not about the weather. When the crew finds themselves parched and not enough juice to go around, blame falls on Matie the goat, Hallie's friend. Divided, they square off, ready for a fight and Captain No Beard must teach his crew that not only is bullying wrong, they must learn to value and respect each and every member of the crew. Watch the crew of the Flying Dragon learn an important lesson about being a true friend.

"The characters' expressive eyes convey their emotions, whether they are scared, sad, angry, or upset...A fun story for children and adults alike, The Crew Goes Coconuts! takes a positive way to turn bullying around, while entertaining, too. Pirates, animals, and coconuts make an amusing story from which to learn. Beth Van Houten  ForeWord Review

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