Thursday, January 29, 2015


Brilliantly written, thought provoking adult fairy tale about the death of innocence. Wonderfully written, spare yet eloquent, Albert and Beryl are representations of Adam and Eve, living in blissful peace with only a messenger John as a connection to the outside world. Their only concern is keeping a flame going. John is their gospel, soothing them from the monsters hiding in the darkness. Soon, one of the monsters insidiously works his way into their trust, and the old man and woman find their world is changing. New objects clutter their clearing, they lose touch with John, his voice of reason becoming nothing more than birdsong. The monster extinguishes both the light, and John's sensible voice. Soon, they are squabbling, and they can't communicate with each other. Their life is unrecognizable, filled with silliness. They lose touch with themselves, and each other. A frightening, allegorical tale of the price of apathy, and our distance from reason. McFarlane is a clever writer. His prose draws you in, and propels the reader with his fascinating plot. Though you know where the story is going, the frightening pace, brings the reader to the horrifying conclusion with the impact of a freight train. This is the story of us, and the consequence of ignoring the message that while knowledge is power, we should not get distracted so that we lose sight of the purpose of life and the reasons we are here.

Happy Reading!
Carole P. Roman

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Enter to win a copy of If You Were Me And Lived in...HUNGARY!

A new giveaway! Enter to win a copy of my book! 

Welcome to Hungary! Join Carole P. Roman and learn about this beautiful country in Central Europe. Packed with colorful illustrations, children will learn about the sights, currency, food, and even a few Hungarian words. This critically acclaimed series has been embraced by children, parents, and educators. Deceptively simple, it is jam packed with a vast array of information to ignite any child's interest in the world around them. If You Were Me and Lived in...India- Five Stars ForeWord Review "Roman's If You Were Me books have a simple, winning formula: portray children from other countries and explain how familiar items and customs are the same, and how they differ, in the country being discussed... The appeal of Roman's If You Were Me series is that this information is not offered in the bland style of an encyclopedia entry, but rather as part of a tour of real life in India...It's this organic conversational tone that keeps the book interesting and inspires kids' own curiosity for other cultures." Peter Dabbene The Foreword Review "In Roman's latest installment of her cultural series, she transports readers to India, where she takes them on a whirlwind, detailed tour. Geared towards young readers, the story also works as a primer for readers of all ages...A colorful, engaging holidays and Roman's stories help them realize how much we have in common." Kirkus Reviews

Monday, January 12, 2015

My Latest Books!

Carole P. Roman is taking students to Northern Europe again and this time it’s to visit Scotland. You’ll learn about the fascinating architecture that was inspired by ancient Greece and Rome. Whether your name is Ian, Connor, or Malcolm, you’ll follow along and visit Loch Ness and hope to get a sighting of its famous occupant, Nessie. Perhaps you’ll try haggis or tatie scones and finish your meal with a clootie. Children are loving this award winning series! It has created a whole generation of armchair travelers that are thrilled to learn about cultures and customs from around the globe. Join Carole P. Roman and discover the world!

Get it HERE!

Fribbet's gone missing! The crew searches for the excitable frog and finally find him troubled and crying in the stern. Fribbet is very upset, and it's up to Captain No Beard and the crew to find out what's wrong. Fribbet the Frog and the Tadpoles is another great voyage into problem solving and friendship, as well as an adventurous trip into the imagination. Join the Captain No Beard and his friends as they learn the value of sharing our troubles with others and that help is always there when we need it.

Get it HERE!


Friday, January 9, 2015

Out of the mouth of babes

Charming and whimsical story about Tuma, a princess in the Guajiran tribe, found in Venezuela. Tuma is named for the special stone that gives the tribe all the wonderful things that surround them. They live in peace and harmony. Loro, Tuma's pet parrot takes the little princess on a journey throughout the land. She learns about the varied geography and sees the wonder of nature. The trip changes Tuma, because she realizes that the power of the magic stone does not create their wonderful surroundings- it is a gift from Mother Nature and must be cherished. Lovely folk tale, with adorable illustrations reinforcing the awe inspiring surroundings of the tribe. Tuma teaches her people not to take advantage of nature and to care for it to insure that it stays balanced, whole, and able to support the people who live there.

Happy Reading!
Carole P. Roman

Monday, January 5, 2015

Aurora Borealis got the Kirkus Star of Exceptional Merit!!!!!


Captain No Beard leads his spunky crew north in this latest installment of Roman’s (The Crew Goes Coconuts: A Captain No Beard Story, 2014) charming series of pirate picture books.
Mongo the monkey is shivering his timbers as Captain No Beard directs his trusty ship into the frigid seas. Despite the cold, his crew delights in an iceberg sighting, until Cayla gets a piece of it stuck to her tongue in a hilarious exchange with first mate Hallie. The splashy illustrations are vibrant with colorful personality, including Fribbet the frog’s moment of panic when they are heading into cold territory and Captain No Beard’s cocky stance while he explains his mission to the crew. Read more HERE!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

A New Year's Giveaway!!!

HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone! I appreciated all of my readers this past year and I'm looking forward to 2015. What better way for me to start celebrating than with a giveaway!  I'm starting the new year off right by giving away not one but two awesome prizes.
  • Grand prize is $100 Paypal (paid in U.S. dollars) and my entire award winning series, "If You Were Me and Lived In..." All will be signed for the winner.

  • Second prize is my complete series of "Captain No Beard." These will be signed too.

Enter today for your chance and start your new year with me. Happy New Year!

Where to find me:



This giveaway is open to 18+ years old and open worldwide. Only one winner per household is eligible. All cash payments will be made in U.S. dollars only. If the winner is outside of the U.S. only Kindle versions of the books will be given. NOTE:It may take up to 4 weeks to receive prize.
The giveaway will begin at Midnight MST on Jan. 1, 2015 and end at Midnight MST on Jan. 16, 2015. All winners will be chosen at random by