Saturday, August 31, 2013
Art That Changed the World
I bought this book for my son and daughter in law to read and discuss with their children. Like "Little Vinny" on television, it takes famous artworks that impacted the world and breaks it down for a nice little art class with your kids. Sometimes we can't make it to a museum, so on a rainy afternoon, use this book for a trip down the history and development of art. You might be surprised where it takes you.
Happy Reading!
Carole P. Roman
Friday, August 30, 2013
You Wouldn't Want to Be Sick in the 16th Century!
Love this series. This is the second book I have read in the series and is a great catalyst that can lead to many discussions for them to learn the how's and why's that shaped our present world. Kids love guts and gore, and with this book, the whole 16th century becomes way more interesting. The illustrations are humorous and the book covers a lot of ground. It also serves to remind students how lucky we are to be in this age and not one of the more barbaric ones. Great teaching tool!
Happy Reading!
Carole P. Roman
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Old Bones (Haunted Series)
I bought this book because it had so many awesome reviews and I can see people are enjoying the characters like a beloved television show. It's an ensemble cast, with a crew of engaging and sometimes wacky characters. While they were cute, and a cross between CSI and Scooby Doo, they were quite unbelievable. Getting to know ALL the family background during the engagement party was tedious. The relationship between Mia and her parents was just a bit over the top. Without giving plot away, it wasn't the right fit. They are too damaged and as well as damaging. This is the first book in the series I have read and there was so much going on- so many characters. I wish she would have stuck to one story line- one ghost and saved the demi-god story for another book in the series. There was enough meat with the first story with all the interaction and growth between the characters that the secondary story could have been would have made another novel altogether. I loved the ghost aspect, as well as the powers Mia had- however, in the second half when she has her morphing abilities- the book degraded to almost a comic book. I really enjoyed the first half- the repartee, the growing relationships, as well as the ghosts. It bordered believable a la Ghost Story- and I loved that. When it changed- I felt I bought one type of book and ended with another. Aaron is inventive and I think will do very well with her growing fan base.
Happy Reading!
Carole P. Roman
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
You Wouldn't Want to Live in Pompeii! A Volcanic Eruption You'd Rather Avoid
Both fun and entertaining, this book takes dry and even scary episodes in the history of the planet, and reviews the many sides of the event with both humor and intelligence. This is the first book I've read, and while it has the potential to be frightening- the whole eruption of the volcano is dealt with honesty to the dangers, and highlights the survivors. ( Less scary) The illustrations are fun and there is a lot of facts packed into this little book. Each page in itself, could lead to hours of discussion. While it's a lot to digest, I think it will be a neat way to explore life during different times for fifth grade and up. I think many parents will learn a lot of information as well. I can't wait to buy more in the series.
Happy Reading!
Carole P. Roman
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
I am thrilled to announce...
My book, "If You Were Me And
Lived In...Mexico" won the Summer 2013 Pinnacle Book
Achievement Award in the category of Children's Interest!
Thank you to those that have purchased my books and left reviews. I could not achieve this without my readers.
About the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award:
now known as the National Association of Book Entrepreneurs,
presents some of the finest books published by our members.
For a list of winners, click here.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
This book won't make you feel good!
Pretty scary expose on the doctor who pushed drugs on people in the highest places in government. It's no secret that drugs have infested the entertainment industries, why not politics. How much did the population even know about the drug lifestyle back in the sixties? We hadn't lost our innocence yet. I don't know how much of the facts are proven, but it was a compelling and an oddly believable read. Watching Michael Jackson's , Elvis's or Marilyn Monroe"s public drug disasters, it raises the question- was the idea of a trusted doctor on retainer disguising opiates as vitamins so unbelievable? Even more compelling was the suggestion that Kennedy's obsessive sex drive and political "brinkmanship" style can be placed at the doctors door based on the vials of drugs he was given. Read the book for yourself and consider the final suggestion- I will not give it away. It makes for some interesting reading.
Happy Reading!
Carole P. Roman
Saturday, August 24, 2013
There's a Bridget Jones in all of us!
I loved this book. Bridget Jones is every single girl, insecure, always going after the wrong man, and not understood by her parents. It was the British version of "Sex in the City" with bad clothes. I loved her personality, the human side, clumsy and with a lack of polish that made her so endearing. A wonderfully entertaining read, it made me realize that the quest for companionship is not only universal, but all the side relationships (friend, parents...) and the drama that goes with them are as well. Highly diverting.
Happy Reading!
Carole P. Roman
Friday, August 23, 2013
Book Review: The Virgin Blue
A wonderful story about self discovery. We are all products of the people who came before us and this book reminded me that I feel that the collective dreams and aspirations, as well as fears and disappointments are handed down through the generations. Ella is rudderless and can't seem to find happiness, though she seemly has everything in the world. A great dissatisfaction pervades everything in her life. Though dreams, she reconnects to an ancestor who faced the same discontentment and goes on search to discover not only a family secret, but herself as well. Chevalier explains the panic and persecution of the religious wars and I walked away understanding much more of French history than before. Excellent read.
Happy Reading!
Carole P. Roman
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
The Nanny Diaries
The problems that Mary Poppins addressed almost a century ago reappear today in America instead of London. Children of the rich and entitled are very often just a accessory, a by product to show off a successful marriage along side the Chanel bag and private jet. Bitingly satiric, unfortunately based on the author's experience, The Nanny Diaries is a sad commentary that despite being privileged, many of the super rich are neglecting their most important asset.
Happy Reading!
Carole P. Roman
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Book Review: The Thoughtful Spot
Just finished this book last night. While it didn't grip me as it did other the reviewers, I still found my self drawn into the characters. I liked the way they flipped back and forth from both Tyler and Stacey's point of view- sometimes I did feel it veered off track a little bit. I loved the idea of the book- I don't want to give anything away. But the thought of the depth of love, honor, sacrifice, as well as the idea of cosmic unity was interesting as well as comforting. The book makes for many water cooler conversations- so in all- a very successful read.
Happy Reading!
Carole P. Roman
Carole P. Roman
Monday, August 19, 2013
Spirit of the North: A Paranormal Romance
Tyler R. Tichelaar is able to tap into the American spirit much like Mark Twain and make it his own. Folksy, with a touch of paranormal, romance, and plain good old story telling, he weaves a tale of hardship and success from the 19th century. Told through the eyes of women, he is able to give them a believable voice, making them realistic whether they are from the nineteenth or 20th century. Young or old- you can feel the folly of youth or the wisdom of maturity. Like Sandra Dallas, he captures the strength of the American spirit though the eyes and heart of the women who build this country, without tripe or sentimentality. Well done!
Happy Reading!
Carole P. Roman
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Steam Train, Dream Train
Informative, accurate names with a lovely cadence, this is a great book to read while preparing for bed and say goodnight. Interesting and not predictable, we go through a room full of toys, putting all things in order to get ready for the next day. I normally don't like rhyming books, but his one was enjoyable.
Happy Reading!
Carole P. Roman
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Love This Book Forever!
Happy Reading!
Carole P. Roman
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Giveaway To Celebrate Release Of "Blucy" by Julia Dweck
About the Book

Blucy Facebook Page * Blucy Pinterest Page * Goodreads
Purchase & Special Offer
Xist Publishing is pleased to offer you a special Buy One Get One FREE (BOGO) offer when you purchase Blucy by Julia Dweck. The Deal? If you purchase Blucy (e-book) through Amazon, you will receive a FREE electronic copy of Julia Dweck's newest book, Mary Had a Sleepy Sheep (released September 5, 2013). All you have to do is forward your purchase confirmation email to and Xist Publishing will send you a complimentary copy of Mary Had a Sleepy Sheep. Don't wait to take advantage of this great deal!Amazon
The Early Buzz
"Julia Dweck scores another winner Blucy! This book is beautifully illustrated, features solid rhyming verse, has a most unusual main character in Blucy the cat, and will surely be loved and appreciated by all cat-lovers! I would recommend this wonderful picture book to children who love cats and for their grown-ups who will recognize their own cat's behavior in this funny story. ." ~ Mother Daughter Book Reviews
"Ms Dweck and Ms Lebarre have created a delightfully humorous read that will no doubt capture the attention of every little mischief maker. The rhythm and rhyme are wonderful and flow so beautifully throughout the book. The illustrations are absolutely exquisite. I honestly wish I could purchase every one of them to put upon my toddlers walls." ~ WhenIgrowupIwannawriteakidsbook
"The illustrations are amazing and beautiful and the story pulls you in and had Dino telling Mandy and Blucy what to do and got upset when they didn’t listen to him. He was hysterical with some of Blucy’s antics and wanted to know if Balboa could do that to. Really and truly a cute book and one that Dino will keep reading, especially now that he think he’s a catosaurous." ~ Dinosaur Superhero Mommy
A blue cat? I love color - lots of color and these illustrations are exactly that. The rythmic method used by Julia is perfect for all ages and the content is entertaining for all - including adults. My daughter loves mood rings so she found this book particularly interesting - what about a "mood cat". I am also a firm believer and supporter of pet adoptions - so another plus for this story...That Blucy is quite a mischievous cat. Blucy has special facts at the end of the story as well as a game for the kids to keep them thinking. I love this book as I have all of Julia's books and so do my kids. ~ The Stuff of Success
A Phenomenal Children's Classic. Children & Adults will love and cherish this beloved tale. Julia Dweck has always amazed me with her talent at writing children's books and Blucy is by far my favorite one yet. I laughed and giggled my way through the whole book and had to read it again several times for the pure joy of the story. The illustrations are fabulous and very colorful and I found myself staring at each page as I read and just loved the details in the illustrations. This is a RECOMMENDED MUST read story that adults and their children will fall in love with. This book will become the best bedtime story that children will want to hear over and over again. ~ Back Words, White Pages
About the Author: Julia Dweck

Twitter * Facebook
* Where in the blue is Blucy? *
Before we get to the $100 Book Blast Giveaway, we have a special treat for you. If you head on over to Julia Dweck's Facebook Fan Page, you will find the "Where in the blue is Blucy?" contest. Julia Dweck fans are invited to post suggestions of "blue" places Blucy could be hiding, (e.g., near Elvis' blue suede shoes). The most creative answer will win a print of the Blucy cover by the artist, Erika LeBarre. Head on over to Julia Dweck's Facebook Fan Page to enter and...Pssssttt... if you enter the contest, you gain 5 entries in the $100 Book Blast Giveaway below!

* $100 Book Blast Giveaway *
Prize: $100 Amazon Gift Card or PayPal cash (winner's choice) Open: Internationally How to enter: Please enter using the Rafflecopter widget below. Terms and Conditions: A randomly drawn winner will be contacted by email within 48 hours after the giveaway ends. The winner will have 72 hours to respond. If the winner does not respond within 72 hours, a new draw will take place for a new winner. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. If you have any additional questions, feel free to send us an email!
* This giveaway is sponsored by the author, Julia Dweck and by Xist Publishing. *
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Monday, August 12, 2013
The Inquisitor's Wife
I love Jeanne Kalogridis. She captures life from different time periods with an eye for detail and the human experience. While these characters were interesting, I found them slightly too modern and unbelievable. I felt they didn't capture the fear of the time, the relationships didn't fit what was expected from an obedient daughter in 15th century Spain. Marisol seemed too modern in her sensibilities, her father and mother too modern as well. I loved the way she represented Isabella, her duplicity, her formal, pious face and carefree private persona was well written. Jews were thrown out of Spain, losing homes, business, and their Spanish identity. Kalogridis captures some of the torture, and sense of persecution, but it feels isolated, as though it only affected a mere few. This was a major upheaval throughout all of Spain. The Inquisitors attacked anyone who could give any information. In her other books, you can feel the isolation and despair of the main characters, here not so much. I also feel the ending was unrealistic and trite, a bit predictable. Not my favorite of her books, but well written none the less.
Happy Reading!
Carole P. Roman
Win A $200 Toys R Us Gift Card OR The Chance To Pick A Country For My "If You Were Me And Lived In…" Series
Welcome to the $200 Toys R Us Gift Card Giveaway!
I am currently working on my new educational series that explores different cultures from a child's point of view. I would love the opportunity to have one lucky reader pick a country for an upcoming book.
In addition, the winner will get signed copies of all the books in the series and will receive the new book as soon as it is released. A second winner will win a $200 (USD) Toys R Us gift card or paypal cash.
Enter to win a $200 Toys R Us Gift Card or the chance to pick a country for Carole P. Roman's "If you were me and lived in…" series
Complete the tasks below to earn entries into this giveaway.
Refer your friends using your unique link at the top of the Rafflecopter for even more chances to win.
One winner will be chosen at random from all valid entries.
Open Worldwide.
Ends at 11:59pm EST on August 25th, 2013.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Mountain Justice
Great, short story that tells a tale of true love conquering all. Almost a model for a "movie of the week", this book in a twenty minute read tells the compelling story of an abused wife and the man she is supposed to be with. Every sentence counts, every word builds the plot and it was a compelling, fast read that can be squeezed in anywhere for a harried mother, commuting train passenger or worker's lunch break.
Happy Reading!
Carole P. Roman
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Book Review: My Marquette
Happy Reading!
Carole P. Roman
Free Downloads Today!
"If You Were Me and Lived in...France-A Child's Introduction to Culture Around the World" is the second book in Carole P. Roman's remarkable series about countries all over the globe. With each book covering a different nation, Roman opens up a world of wonder while highlighting the fact that underneath it all we are far more alike than we might have imagined. Focusing on what life would be like from a child's viewpoint, she examines the diversity of the people who make up our planet.
In "Captain No Beard: Strangers On The High Seas", Captain No Beard and the crew of the Flying Dragon welcome a new crew member, when Cabin Girl Cayla joins the ship. Responsible for his little sister, Captain No Beard is not very happy because he finds his newest charge a distraction. When faced with danger, the captain must find a way to escape. While learning valuable lessons about strangers, the crew realized not to judge somebody because they are young or small. Strength comes in all sizes!
Both books are free today! I hope you enjoy!
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Review of The White Princess
I actually enjoyed various theories presented by this book. You can't expect someone to write about the 14th and 15th centuries with modern sensibilities. If Henry did, in fact rape his future wife, would that be in keeping of the brutal times they lived in? And how come no one is shocked or mentioning the incestuous relationship between uncle and niece? These were horrible times, when women were nothing, a man could do anything to his wife and she was nothing more than an object. The fact is that Elizabeth was pregnant when they married. The fact is that Margaret Beaufort was ambitious for her son to be king. She did do many of the things that Gregory reports and I do think that Elizabeth was a child born of fear, living constantly with a sword of Damocles over her head. Her grandfather and great uncle were killed trying to take the throne from her cousins, brother went against brother- mother against sons- Her siblings were murdered and she didn't know if if was by the man sworn to protect her, or another member of her wide flung family. Elizabeth was the daughter of a power couple, could she have quietly wanted to fly under the radar- I wouldn't be shocked if she did. Sounds to me, Gregory presented a girl who just wanted to be safe, her children safe, and if she did it with a no nothing attitude- well, she wouldn't be the first in history. I thought her believable. I did however, enjoy the B story more than anything else. I had never thought about Perkin Warbeck as being anything more than a Pretender and Gregory's representation was quite creditable. She gave the whole story legs and made me want to read about Henry's infatuation with Warbeck's wife. Elizabeth was a pale shadow compared to both her mother and grandmother Jaquetta. I always thought of her as able to influence her husband with her Yorkish savvy and intelligence. Perhaps I was wrong, but it sure did skip a generation to rest in the heart and mind of her granddaughter Elizabeth 1 , one of the greatest queens of all times.
Happy Reading!
Carole P. Roman
Sunday, August 4, 2013
New Giveaway! Win A Rosetta Stone Package Or Toys R Us Gift Card AND Books!
My cultural books for children, the "If You Were Me and Lived In..." series, focuses on learning and appreciates the many cultures that make up our small planet.
These books are groundbreaking new experiences in elementary education and perfect for children from Pre-K to age 8. Interesting facts and colorful illustrations help children realize that although the world is large, people all over the globe are basically the same.
Now, I'd love to give away a complete set of all of my currently published works for the "If You Were Me and Lived In..." series, along with your choice of a level one Rosetta Stone Homeschool in either Spanish, French or Korean.
But wait! There will be a second winner!
I am also giving away a $100 gift card to Toys R Us to that lucky winner. Wow!
So, enter now and enter often in the Rafflecopter below.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
This giveaway is sponsored by me. Rosetta Stone Homeschool set and Toys R Us gift card is provided by myself and not the companies. This giveaway is also not affiliated with Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest or any other social media site.
Giveaway is open World Wide.
Giveaway ends: August 18, 2013 at 12 AM MST
Winners have 48 hours to respond after notification via e-mail or forfeit prize and another winner will be drawn.
Where to find Carole P. Roman: Facebook Amazon
Saturday, August 3, 2013
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